Tree Care Fall Months

Pruning your trees. Fall is a good time to prune your trees. Not only are trees dormant in the colder months, but it is also easier to see a tree’s structure when there are no leaves on the branches. “Proper pruning is vital to the health of trees and plants, in part because it helps relieve stress on trees and keeps them growing,” says Skiera. “Just be aware that each tree is different, and pruning at the wrong time or the wrong way can injure a tree making it more susceptible.”

Planting trees now. Since autumn is the time of year for colorful, falling leaves, many people do not realize that it is also a prime time to plant new trees. After cooler weather has set in, conditions are perfect for stimulating root growth in new trees. Once roots are established throughout the fall and dormancy of winter, spring showers and summer warmth encourage new top growth.  Fall is the optimum time to plant balled and burlapped trees and shrubs. However, all bare root plants should be planted later in the season, when they are completely dormant.

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